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Writer's pictureAngela McPherson

Just One Drop national screenings on now across Australia

An almost full-house greeted director Laurel Chiten to the Hobart screening of Just One Drop last Monday night, and deservedly so.

Eight years of hard work, detective sleuthing, respectful and insightful conversations and recording of an individual family’s experiences, and the skill to turn data and history into graspable concepts has paid off. Just One Drop explains the story of homoeopathy from Samuel Hahnemann’s original insights and meticulous scientific studies to the acceptance of homoeopathy into 8 of the worlds national healthcare systems as well as the World Health Organisation; despite continued cynicism from sceptics from day one and now outright flawed – if not deliberately designed to be so - and skewing of research data to debunk it’s effectiveness.

The film asks: if hundreads of million of people have had results with homoeopathy over 200 years – how can it all be placebo?!

Just because science has not (yet) been able to work out how homoeopathy works, does not mean it doesn’t work! (There are fully sanctioned medical procedures – such as neurobiological probes inserted into the brain for electronical stimulation of specific sections – and ‘science’ doesn’t know how these procedures work… but they know it does!)

At the end of the day – it comes down to personal choice – what modality of healthcare - natural and/or allopathic - works for you? What would you like to continue to be able to choose? And it does not have to be either / or as the two have done and continue to work excellently well together.

If you have an interest in natural medicine – not just homoeopathy – and wish to continue to be able to choose which modalities to use for you and your families’ health this documentary is a massive heads up – governments are being pushed by members of the sceptic community to remove your freedom of choice... and homoeopathy is the lowest fruit on the branch.

They have 17 other modalities in view; including herbal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic care and even yoga! (I’m not kidding!) has created a petition for an Australian Senate inquiry against the flawed NHMRC report slamming the effectiveness of homoeopathy with its (incredibly biased with an undisclosed conflict of interest) board of directors, 2 reports (paid for by us the public) of which the 1st has been refused to be released even with freedom of information act requests, along with so much more which has been expertly highlighted in the film.

If you haven’t already, continue to educate yourself and your community and MAKE SURE you get along to a screening of JUST ONE DROP (there’s one coming up in Brisbane - and all over the country, just check out the fan-force website).

Or better yet, go over to and organise a screening at your local cinema (see if you can get Laurel to come along while she’s still in Australia and hear the story of determination to get this story out there!).

Also make sure you sign the petition at to keep freedom of choice available for the 1-in-2 Australians who already choose some form of natural medication in their daily life.

#yourhealthyourchoice #fan-forcejustonedrop

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